12 x 4 Metre Berth/Mooring Mazarron Marina For Sale

Marine Online
Marina Berth Brokers
Phone: +44 1582 841711
The area around the port is a well-known holiday area with a good sheltered yacht club on the north side of the bay opposite the fishing harbour. It is used mostly by small motor launches and as a sailing and diving centre, although there is space for visiting yachts along the outer breakwater and services offered are good. It has 70 berths with water and electricity, serves fuel and can also do repairs (Tel: 968 594 823 Fax: 968 594 823). The east- en end is very shallow, though it is used by small boats. The yacht harbour, home of the Club de Regatas Mazarrón, is 2km further east. It is not a large harbour, but offers excellent protection. It has 209 berths, usually with some visitor capacity, and there is access to a short stay hard- standing. The approach, however, requires caution and should be made outside Isla de Paco to avoid shallow water and under- lying rocks. The small but friendly club- house offers most services. One notable feature of this delightfully informal marina is the capacity to accommodate four yachts of lengths up to 25+ metres. The surrounding area is most attractive and the Services: water, 6 seaside location itself (not to be confused with the inland town of Mazarrón) has a distinct charm. Places to visit include a 16th century castle and churches, and the ancient watchtowers that warned of approaching pirates. |

Marina Berth Brokers
Phone: +44 1582 841711
Selling a Marina Berth / Mooring
If you are selling your mooring (marina berth), we’re here to help you maximise your price by advising on maintaining your boat mooring and presenting it in the best possible way. We can take all the hassle out of selling your boat mooring (marina berth) by dealing with all the details, making it happen quickly and helping things to run smoothly. Therefore if you have a Mediterranean marina berth (mooring) that you wish to sell, or even rent out, please contact us, either by clicking here or telephoning our head office on +44 (0)1582 841711.